Monday, June 21, 2010

Cutest Chinese Cartoons

What is your cutest Chinese Cartoons?

Having watched many great and popular Chinese cartoons, have you still remembered who the cutest cartoon character is? Different children have different personality so they have different views on the topic cutest Chinese cartoon character.

When having a circle of friends’ conversation, it is not surprising that children may argue on their favorite cartoon and can sometimes lead to fighting. The answer could be their particular choices. There is no right or wrong answer. They can vote for the majority of choice for them to gather ideas and lead to conclusion.

Blue Cat in the animated series 3000 Whys of Blue Cat has been viewed as the cutest Chinese character for some. There isn’t any formal voting or reviews that claim Blue Cat as the cutest. But most children would say it was indeed.

What is interesting about Blue Cat is its blue colored body which symbolizes dream. If Blue Cat is curious on what a certain place looks like, he would find ways to explore it at any given time through his imagination. The 3000 is the number of whys he would ask during his travel.

A variety of TV channels, programs, and movies are made of cartoon anime. When using a cartoon character, children are their major audience and the main source of income. The reason why most Chinese uses animal cartoons is because of the love of children to animals. Furthermore, animals play an important role in myths, legends and beliefs, so children can easily relate to.

Being able to identify a cutest Chinese cartoon would mean you are a fan of Chinese anime. Make this cutest anime of your choice as the passage to learn many interesting and educational Chinese cartoons. Never give up your love to Chinese cartoons just because your cutest anime character is not a majority choice of others.

Chinese Children's Songs

Chinese love to music

Chinese kids love the melody and the beat of music. Their minds can easily respond to the song as the lyrics can make them dancing. They tend to developed many benefits like building self confidence, obtain good listening skills, boost immune system and establish a good form of exercise.

Children songs can best introduce in your kids early age. Exposing them the different kinds of music can widen their interests to sing. Every song they hear defines the different emotions that make them sing the song even without understanding the words.

The best of Chinese children songs can now be played in CDs. Give them many opportunities to learn many songs through the many available tools in the market. There are many best children songs available in the market: A snow white, A small puppet, Such as swan lake, Little Red riding hood, Wolf and the lamb, Sleeping beauty, Cinderella, Frog Prince and many others. Some of these songs have words in Mandarin and English. Choose a song that has good lessons to partake, something that is lively and easy to memorize.

Children songs are ideal for vocabulary and language learning. Children keep repeating the lyrics all over again because the beat of the music is a good tune to their ears. The lyrics of the song make it very easy to recognize without much effort. They may sometimes enjoy the song with a dance.

Singing is one of the best ways children can learn Chinese language. There are many great and popular Chinese children songs to choose from. It could be anything as long as it makes good sense and interest. Children will have more confidence to sing the song if parents will join the singing. So, singing could be a good habit with parents’ participation.

Love it or hate it. Your child won’t ignore to sing when music starts to play. Chinese children love nothing but singing and dancing with the beat. This is a good thing to start to prepare them of the big world ahead.

It is in singing where true talents evolved. The love of music starts at a very young age, but will not fade or end until they get older. The love of music will always stay in the hearts and minds of many. The best time to start building that talent in your children is now.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Best Ways To Educate Children

Parents – a good motivator in children’s learning

Children are our future. This famous line reminds us to take responsibility of helping children pave their future.

Education is the best way to help children invest in their future. This is by making sure that children have access to the very best teachers and schools in your area. The kind of education your children receive impacts the degree of future they are paving.

When your child is not doing well in school, it is not right to assume that they are weak and slow. There could be the reason why your child is having trouble in school exams and assignments. So, how can parents help cope this problem?

If you think your child has this learning incapacity, early intervention can help them. Children with learning problems may tend to dropped out in school or cut classes. It is therefore recommended to talk to your children early and find resources and involvement to help them stay in school.

Motivation is the key element to help your children develop confidence in participating in class. When they have full understanding of what they are doing, they wouldn’t anymore be embarrassed to participate in class discussion and finished assignments or tests difficultly. Motivation helps a lot for children to be active in school and maintain focus inside classroom.

Helping children to set goals for education will provide them room for improvements. When they set for a goal of making high grades, parents will focus on how children would enjoy studying and making assignments easy. Parents may give them incentives if they reach a certain grade. By this, children will be working hard to achieve a certain grade in school as its main goal to receive the incentive they desire. This is helping them grow up successfully in education with full potential.

Helping children in learning better in school has many aspects that depict their personal, mental, physical, social and emotional aspects of their lives. Your desire to have your children good behavior towards education will start by setting a good positive example.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Best Children's Cartoon Books

Some of my childhood memories were spending time with my younger sister during bedtime. She would always have a story prepared which she heard earlier from her teacher. Back then, she was in her kindergarten. Even if I was four years older than her, I can’t help but to picture in my mind everything that she has to tell. The way she tells her stories really interests me. Maybe because, she herself was then so enchanted with the story along with the picture cartoons which probably her teacher showed to them.

Along with the teacher, parents must also be patient in looking for books that would really interest their children at the first sight. As we all know, children are very fond of those picture cartoons and colorful things. Moreover, parents should also make time to read to their children.

The books enumerated below are just some of the many books which parents can choose from. Some of the books ideal to be presented for toddlers are the following: The Very Hungry Caterpillar; Goodnight Moon; Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?; The Rainbow Fish; The Snowy Day; The Runaway Bunny; Pat the Bunny; Clap Hands; The Going-To-Bed Book.

For the school-aged child of four to eight years old, the following books are suggested: The Polar Express, Green Eggs and Ham, The Cat in the Hat, Where The Wild Things Are, The Mitten, The Velveteen Rabbit, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, The Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh, The Lorax, Amazing Grace, Jumanji, Math Curse, and 101 Dalmatians.

Likewise, for children aged nine to twelve years old, parents can get them a copy of the following books: Charlotte’s Web, Hatchett, The Hobbit, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Secret Garden, Shiloh, Little House on the Prairie, The Boxcar Children, Maniac Magee, Island of the Blue Dolphins, The Giver, Jack and the Beanstalk, Harry Potter Books, The Battle of the Labyrinth, and The Chronicles of Narnia.

Lastly, for teenagers, the following books are listed: Agatha Christie Books, Harry Potter Books, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Robinson Crusoe, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Moby Dick, The Lord of the Rings, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Phantom of the Opera.